First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.

I am a developer for over 7 years and have worked with many different languages, mainly web related.
I like to think and new things, but mostly I love to learn. Every time that I can learn something new and put into practice, I'm having so much fun.
Thinking about new ideas is what keeps me going. I love developing, the act of building things and seeing it work is amazing, really! One of my passions is shader programing.
"Not doing something" is the best description of what I dislike. I need to keep things going on, if I stop I die. Besides that, I can probably say I don't like dirt on my pants, annoying people and to be stuck in traffic.
Web based platform to manage all the TeamSpeak3 servers and virtual servers.
It's a web platform that manages:
It's a web platform that manages:
Web based platform built-in PHP for Linux Based systems.
It's a web platform that manages:
Web Platform For Your Game Servers and Voice Servers
It's a platform that manages:
Hybrid Mobile Platform For Your Game Servers and Voice Servers
It's a web platform that manages:
Some of my skills
Full-Stack web-developer ( Backend & Frontend ).
Servers Management.
Experience in several linux environments.
I'm always taking online courses too learn new ways to do stuff.
Organized code and logic.
I'm a network security enthusiastic.